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Neighbors deal with bees without extermination- call a beekeeper instead

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SALT LAKE CITY - Warm weather brings out the sun, the flowers, and, “the bees," according to four-year-old Izayis Archuleta.

He was in his Ogden family’s backyard when he heard the buzzing.

“It was huge,” he said of the beehive.

His mom, Rachal Mlynarski knew just what to do. Snapping photos, she didn’t call an exterminator, instead, she booted up the computer and posted the pictures on Facebook.

“There’s been a lot of recent posts about saving the honey bees,” she pointed out.

“One of my friends tagged me in the post,” said Rick Davis, part-time beekeeper.

“I basically take my box and put it under where the bees are,” Davis demonstrated with his full beekeeper suit on.

“Grab the limb above it and just shake it off,” he added.

But what happens to the bees after that?

“There are so many people that want bees, but don’t want to be beekeepers,” said Peter Somers who works at Beez, Hives & Honey in Salt Lake City.

“Now is the time to start a colony,” he said.

Somers says that each hive can produce upwards of 75 pounds of honey.