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Watch ‘Elsa’ push police vehicle out of snow

Posted 1:47 PM, Mar 14, 2018
and last updated 7:16 PM, Mar 14, 2018

BOSTON – A man dressed as Disney’s Elsa single-handedly pushed a Boston Police vehicle out of the snow Tuesday night.

Because the cold never bothered her anyway!

It was caught on camera at The Gallows Bar on Washington St. in Boston as the nor’easter was winding down, WTIC reported.

Christopher Haynes posted the video on Facebook.

After pushing for a minute or so, Elsa freed the transport van from its slushy prison.

Once the truck was on its way, ‘Elsa’ curtseyed for the crowd in the bar.

“I bought this costume last year during a snow storm because I thought it would be hilarious to walk around Boston in an ‘Elsa’ costume during a snowstorm,” Elsa, AKA: 37-year-old Jason Triplett, told WTIC. “It turns out I was correct, it is really funny to walk around Boston in an ‘Elsa’ costume during a snowstorm.”

“I saw the police paddy wagon started to get stuck and so I just ran outside to help push it out of the snow,” Elsa said, “I really didn’t think it would be a ‘thing.'”