ST. GEORGE, Utah — Eleven city employees in Hildale have resigned, including one who wrote that his religious beliefs prohibit him from “following a woman, and from serving on a board with apostates,” said Mayor Donia Jessop, one of four non-members of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints elected to office last November.

In this file photo, Donia Jessop is sworn in as mayor of Hildale at ceremony held at Water Canyon School, Hildale, Utah, Jan. 4, 2018 | Photo by Cody Blowers, St. George News
Hildale shares employees with Colorado City, Arizona, and Jessop estimates there are about 50 between the two, although the majority are in Colorado City.
She added that each of the employees who resigned provided the city with at least two weeks’ notice and offered to help with the training of new employees during the transition, regardless of whether that goes beyond the two weeks.
The mayor said she asked each of them to stay, but understands their position.
Read this article in full on the St. George News here.