The Place


The trick to getting your kids to do chores – no matter their age!


Therapist Jessie Shepherd gives us some great insights on how to get your kids of any age to do their chores. You can get more information about her here.

Kids & Chores: How to make it happen!
Why Chores are important:
-Value the things we have.
-Gain practical life skills.
-Understand our value & gain self confidence.
-Feeling like a valuable part of the family.

Every child should have chores- Even your toddler!
Different Ages Chore List:
Ages 2-5
-Put toys in basket
-Sort laundry
-Set the table
-Wipe walls
Ages 6-9
-Clean in the yard
-Pick up their room
-Make their bed
-Sweep & mop floors
Ages 10-13
-Do the dishes
-Do their laundry
-Make simple meals
-Take out garbage.
Ages 14-18
-Clean the bathroom
-Mow the lawn
-Do basic car maintenance.
-Develop a budget for activities.

How to make it happen:
-Make it a family norm:
Everyone in the family should have chores.
-Hold them to their responsibilities:
We want to emphasize natural consequences and use `if...then...` statements.
-Change up the chores schedule every so often:
We want them to learn a variety of skills and not get to bored of the same chores.
-Remember failure is a good thing:
We learn a great deal when we fail and it is a perfect time for a teaching moment.