The Place


What is cyberbullying and how to make it stop


Therapist Candice Christiansen tells us about the outreach and education she is working on to help everyone recognize the impacts of cyberbullying. Here are a few tips on how to stay safe:

1. Save & Document Everything
2. Change Passwords Often
3. Follow Your Teen Online
4. Talk About it
5. Report It

There is a community outreach event coming up:

Protecting Our Youth

Wednesday, June 21st

6:30 - 8:30 PM

LOCATION: Eagle Plaza: Top of 4500 South through the light on Wasatch Blvd, Ste 205 at Namasté Center for Healing's office

FEE: $10.00 per person, *Dinner provided*

RSVP: 801-272-3500

  • Come and learn the reality of living in a cyber-obsessed world for teens. Learn about secret apps, sexting, cyberbullying, sextortion, and intimate partner abuse. Of course they will also teach you how to help your youth be responsible and safe online.