The Place


How a resistance band can help give your child a brain workout

Posted at 2:40 PM, Feb 17, 2017
and last updated 2017-02-17 16:42:00-05

Meagan Forsgren from ILS Learning teaches some activities for kids to do with resistance bands that can help them develop lower levels of the brain, enabling better attention and focus.

Stretchy Band Activities

Row your Boat: Have your child sit on the floor with their legs straight in front of them. Take your resistance band with one end in each hand. Place the middle of the band over the feet stretched in front of the child with straight legs. Now with your hands, pull the bands toward you in a rowing motion. You can also do this exercise on your back with legs in the air to build core muscle, posture and neck and shoulder strength.

Bow and Arrow: Take your stretchy band (do not tie together) and have your child stretch one arm in front of them with the band in their hand and then pull the other arm backward like a bow and arrow. Stretch the band as far back as you can and let go. This activity is great for hand-eye coordination and for building the muscles in the arms, elbows, fingers and hands for handwriting and visual processing.

Animal Exercises

Flamingo Hop: Have your child put one foot in the stretchy band and bend the other leg at the knee. Take the ends of the stretchy bands (one in each hand) and hop on one foot like a flamingo. This is a great activity for developing balance and coordination.

Frog Leaps: Have your child put both feet in the stretchy band and take the ends with both hands. Hop with both feet or squat and jump just like a frog.

Shape Exercises

Square: Have your child tie the ends of the stretchy band together. Put both feet in the stretchy band and stand shoulder-width apart. Take the other end of the stretchy band in your hands and pull it upward to your chest (make sure the band is in line with the shoulders and is shoulder-width apart so it matches your legs). Your child is now making a square.

Rectangle: After your child has made a square, have them stay in the same position and ask them to raise their arms above their head (shoulder-width apart) for a greater stretch. Your child is now making a rectangle.

Triangle: Have your child stand in the middle of the stretchy band and stretch their feet outward as far as they can go. Now, take the bands in your hands and lift it straight above your head. Your child is now making a triangle.

Letter Exercises

X: Untie the stretchy band and have your child stand in the stretchy band with their legs shoulder-width apart. Now have the child take the ends of the stretchy band and cross their arms, making an X in front of them.

V: Have your child stand in the middle of the stretchy band, legs together. Now have your child take their hands and raise the stretchy band all the way up to their ears in a V shape.

U: Have your child stand in the stretchy band, legs shoulder-width apart. Now have your child raise their hands in the air up to their ears. Your child is now making a U.

C: Tie the ends of the stretchy band together, making a circle. This activity can be performed standing or sitting on the floor. Now have your child take the band in their hands and stretch the band over their head making a C shape. For an extra challenge, have your child stand on one foot while the opposite arm is raised in the C shape. If your child is sitting, have them lift their knee while the opposite arm is raised.