

Stewart explains rationale for Trump vote despite reservations


SALT LAKE CITY -- Utah 2nd District Congressman Chris Stewart appeared on FOX 13’s Live@4 and explained his decision to vote for Donald Trump despite having called the candidate “our Mussolini” in March.

“I've been fairly vocal of some of the things I've wondered about with Mr. Trump, but he is our nominee, and I think as a party we should coalesce around him,” Stewart said.

Stewart said it’s concern over the appointment of Supreme Court Justices that’s the main reason to vote for Trump, despite reservations.

“I think we’d survive four years of Hillary Clinton, but what changes our country forever is the idea of three or four Supreme Court nominees,” Stewart said.

Stewart said he’s not trying to make a statement by staying away from the Republican Convention in Cleveland, and he’s not alone. Eighteen of the GOP’s 54 sitting senators aren’t attending, and three of Utah’s four representatives avoided Cleveland as well, with only 1st District Congressman Rob Bishop attending.