

Utah AG visits Hildale, discusses efforts to reunite the community

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HILDALE, Utah - Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes says major changes in Hildale mark an exciting time for the southern Utah town.

Reyes visited with residents Thursday to talk about efforts to reunite the community.

Reyes first stopped at the newly reopened public school. He met with administrators and students and says the school is one major way the community will reunite.

“There has been a lot of tumult here in the community,” Reyes said. “There have been a lot of disagreement about political issues and religious issues.”

Residents said the reopening of the public school is just one of the things going in that are attempts to reclaim the town. Recently the United Effort Plan, a public trust that manages FLDS property, started evicting residents for not paying fees and property tax. Also, the Arizona Attorney General is pushing forward with efforts to disband the local marshal’s office on grounds of corruption.

“I’m in contact with general Horne’s office and we lent our support in to their efforts,” Reyes said. “We all want to give opportunities and freedoms to as many citizens as would like them.”

Residents said they’re grateful for that support, as it shows them that their voices are being heard. Many of the efforts have been community led.

“Everybody is very positive about moving forward now,” community member Isaac Wyler said. “Up till then it was like, we’ll believe it when we see it.”

Reyes stopped in Hildale on his way to speak at a law enforcement conference in Mesquite.