BONNEVILLE SALT FLATS, Utah - Runners started out on a 100-mile race through the desert of the Bonneville Salt Flats.
The race will take more than 24 hours, and the idea is to see what the body can do when pushed past its limit.
"You start off running and then you run and you walk. And it usually ends up that you walk the last quarter, half, third," said runner Scott Dakus.
One hundred miles can be long and difficult, but runners say it's even harder on the tough landscape of the Salt Flats.
"That will be at about 3 a.m. when your mind start playing tricks on you and your body is low on fuel and you start seeing interesting shadows. Some people will sleep while they walk," said Deva Lingemann.
At some point, they'll get so far out, there's nothing to see but the footprints of the runners ahead of them, and there isn't a lot waiting for them at the end of the line.
"There's no prize money, there's no fame, there's no fortune. You family only cares a little bit, it is just something you do for yourself," Dakus said.