

Utah Pride Center taking marriage equality fight to SCOTUS


SALT LAKE CITY – The Utah Pride Center is taking its fight for marriage equality to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The Pride Center announced on Wednesday that it will file an amicus brief, or a document filed by a party not directly involved in a case that can bring to light more information about the implications of that case, with the U.S. Supreme Court in the case involving the Defense of Marriage Act and California’s Proposition 8.

They say a local bipartisan team of attorneys will help Utah’s LGBTQ community with their fight to seek full legal equality.

“Utah’s voice in the fight for marriage equality has been long, distinguished and extremely visible to this country,” said Valerie Larabee, Utah Pride Center.

Utah Pride’s legal team will also ask the U.S. Supreme Court to seriously review laws that discriminate against LGBTQ citizens.