

Austin law firm offers ‘divorce resort’


(My FOX Austin)– You check in married and leave with a divorce settlement. An Austin attorney calls it the “divorce resort.”

Daryl Weinman helps people un-tie the knot.

“I’ve done hundreds of cases,” she said.

In 2011, she found herself in her clients’ shoes going through a divorce.

“It’s hard to function. You’re scared, you’re angry, you’re hurt. Every day there’s something,” Weinman said. “I kept thinking there has to be another way.”

There was. She found the Divorce Hotel in the Netherlands.

For $3,300 people can check in and in three days check out of their marriage.

Weinman came up with a similar plan. She calls it the Divorce Resort.

The couples choose the luxurious location and before booking sign an agreement that they will leave with a settlement.

“They never have to see each other the entire time they’re there,”

Husband and wife stay in separate rooms. Weinman serves as the mediator–hosting private meetings for two days.

“If they reach a point where they just need a break, they can go play nine rounds of golf, get a massage, go for a swim, go to the gym,” Weinman.

On day three, they leave with a legally binding document.

While the photos on Weinman’s brochure evoke soothing thoughts–Texas Values President Jonathan Saenz has his doubts.

“I think a lot of people will be misled into thinking that somehow the divorce process can be easy. It can be quick. It can be painless. Often times that’s just not the case,” Saenz said.

Saenz says such “drive-thru” divorce processes de-value marriage.

“What we should be looking at is more efforts to where people will ask themselves and each other how did their marriage relationship get to this point especially when children are involved,” Saenz said.

“I’ve been getting responses from all over. I’ve had emails from Virginia, Washington State,” Weinman said.

Weinman says the method is not for everyone.

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