SALT LAKE CITY — The crystal clear conditions enjoyed across Utah over the last week may get a little muddied over the next few days thanks to a wildfire in Oregon.
Forecasts show heavy smoke from the Little Yamsay Fire burning near Chemult being pushed into northern Utah by a cold front Monday evening. Although high pressure is expected to return by midweek, it's not known how long the smoke will linger in the area.

The wildfire fire was started late last month by a lightning strike and eventually grew to over 6,300 acres before firefighters were able to bring it under control.
Video below shows the Little Yamsay Fire burning in Oregon:
With the temperatures getting warmer across North America, wildfire season activity is expected to quickly ramp up. The National Significant Wildland Fire Potential Outlook issued by the National Interagency Coordination Center shows northwest Utah forecast to see the potential for above normal wildfire activity.