

Repairs to pothole-filled bridge could cause traffic trouble

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SALT LAKE CITY — The last two years, harsh winters have done a number on Utah bridges, especially the one just off State Route 201 at 3200 West in Salt Lake City, and anyone out on the road this weekend and in the days to come might want to avoid the area.

This weekend, crews will begin work on the bridge, which is one of 64 bridges across Salt Lake County getting a makeover this summer.

The bridge at 3200 West was built in 1980 and has developed a reputation for its potholes, making it a less-than-fun drive for motorists or those doing the patch work.

"Our maintenance crews spend a lot of time out here trying to till this one, fill that one, they feel like they’re playing wack a mole," joked UDOT project manager David Cox.

The bridge will get a new bridge deck, which will make for a much smoother driving surface. It is a project that could not have been put off much longer.

"We’re underneath the bridge deck and you very easily see the deterioration of the concrete where its actually falling down, the rebar is exposed," Cox explained. "Things like this is why this bridge needs this work."

UDOT is now putting out the word about the project, telling drivers to be aware of detours starting this weekend and will be in effect for up to five months.

"If we have everyone who comes out here on Monday, Tuesday, all of next week, we’re going to see significant delays of up to a half hour," said Cox.

If nothing else, UDOT is requesting that drivers slow down when heading through work areas