The Place


Why a fully trained and licensed physician is important when medical care is needed


Utah Medical Association has initiated a public awareness campaign to remind Utahns that physicians are the highest trained of all medical care givers and that it is O.K. to request to be seen by a physician when medical care is needed.

It is important to recognize that all members of the healthcare team have their place, but that a fully trained and licensed physician is best suited to lead that team.

Dr. Noel Nye, a native of Ogden, Utah, graduated from Weber State University with a B.S. in microbiology and joined us in studio to discuss the benefits of having an MD or DO lead a patient’s healthcare team which include:

  • Having an expertly trained physician in the area of treatment that you need.
  • Preservation of patient safety.
  • Improved outcomes for patients needing the highest quality of care possible.

To find a qualified Utah MD or DO, visit