The Place


When it comes to hiking groups, this one is the G.O.A.T.

Girls Only Adventure Trips

Girls Only Adventure Trips or G.O.A.T. is a safe space where women can take a break from "the real world", get in nature, and explore and adventure together.

Carrie Gregg started it in 2023 after recently moving to Salt Lake City. She organized a hike to Mt. Timpanogos with a group of women and had an incredible experience.

The mission of G.O.A.T. is to empower women to embrace adventure and build lasting friendships through trips and local experiences.

Most of the women in the group are between the ages of 25 and 50, who have busy lives and careers and simply want to take breaks in nature.

They offer local G.O.A.T.s as well as trips to out-of-state locations.

The next trip is in September to Olympic National Park in Washington where they'll explore the Hoh Rain Forest, hike to the most Northwestern part of the United States, Cap Flattery, and hike along Hurricane Ridge.

Every G.O.A.T. trip includes some sort of spa-type experience as well.

There is also a local G.O.A.T. experience planned for each month in the rest of the year.

In September, they're hiking in Little Cottonwood and ending the hike at Oktoberfest at Snowbird.

In October, they're going to swim in the Midway Homestead Crater.

In November they plan to summer Fary Peak on Antelope Island and in December they are going to hike the Fifth Water Hot Springs.

Registration is still open for the rest of this year's events.

For more information you can follow Girls Only Adventure trips on social media or visit their website