The Place


Utah police officer diagnosed with cancer after 30 years of service

Hometown Hero: Officer Paul Janda

Officer Paul Janda with the Provo Police department dedicated nearly 30 years of service to his community before a recent cancer diagnosis.

At the end of summer, Master Officer Janda was having major stomach pain which prompted him to visit a series of doctors.

He was then diagnosed with Peritoneal Mucinous Carcinomatosis, a rare type of terminal cancer that affects the lining of the abdominal cavity.

He was forced to take a medical leave of absence during treatment.

However, his best friend Mike Bastian, a school resource officer, and family immediately rallied around him to help him feel just a comforted as he made the community over the decades.

In a 'Hometown Hero' nomination to FOX13, Officer Janda's son Jace wrote: He goes above and beyond to help the homeless by providing meals or a warm motel room during the winter (for several nights if he's able to) and he is well known within the community for being very kind and compassionate, using his entire Christmas bonus each December to buy gifts for the low income children around Provo city.

Officer Janda had just has surgery, so one of the captains called him into the police station to help FOX13 and Mattress Warehouse surprise him with a $500 gift card for his service.

With a stunned look on his face and glossy eyes Officer Janda walked into the lobby filled with co-workers, family and friends shouting "surprise."

"Paul Janda has served, contributed, given, donated, cared and sacrificed so selflessly here in Provo City," Jace wrote. "He is absolutely our 'Hometown Hero' here in Provo, Utah."

If you would like to nominate a Hometown Hero, click here.