The Place


United Way's 211 Program connects the underserved Utah communities with services they need

Posted 9:24 PM, Feb 11, 2022
and last updated 11:05 PM, Feb 11, 2022

Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah is committed to supporting underserved communities in Utah by removing barriers to health care and resources necessary for good physical and mental health.

Miguel Rovira, Director of Business and Community Relations, RegenceBlue Cross BlueShield, joined us to share that they have teamed up with United Way’s 211 program because it is strongly aligned with their goal.

Nick Whittaker, 211 Outreach Coordinator, explained that the 211 Program connects people in need to community resources, including health care, food, affordable housing, and transportation.

All you have to do is pick up your phone and dial 2-1-1 and they will connect you to services near you.

For more info you can go to 211 Utah.