The Place


This free cancer screening program is for past and present residents of Monticello, Utah

San Juan County Public Health has launched a critical health initiative

Monticello, Utah, was home to uranium milling operations that, prior to the Department of Energy clean-up that ended in 2002, left a legacy of radioactive contamination.

Prolonged exposure to mill tailings has been associated with an increased risk of various cancers, including leukemia, lung, thyroid, and others.

That's why San Juan County Public Health has launched a critical health initiative, the Monticello Free Cancer Screening Program.

This life-saving program is designed to cover the cost of cancer screenings for past and present residents of Monticello, Utah and the surrounding area.

Anyone who lived, worked, or attended school in the town for at least three years between 1941 and 2002, whether they still reside locally or not, is eligible.

The goal is to detect and address cancer at its earliest stages among those at heightened risk.

For more information, please visit