The Place


These may be the youngest graduates you've ever seen


It's graduation season, and these recent Waterford Upstart graduates may be the youngest you've ever seen.

Kim Fischer, National Spokesperson and Senior Vice President of Communication for, joined us to tell us more about this local early education nonprofit program.

She says Waterford Upstart is used in the year before kindergarten, whether a child is going to PreK or not.

The adaptive program is used 15 minutes a day, five days a week. Waterford Upstart gives families the tools they need to work with their children offline like a parent coach and push notifications to let them know how their children are doing, where they could use some additional support offline and exactly what parents can do to work with their child.

The average Waterford Upstart graduate enters kindergarten reading at a nearly first-grade level.

Waterford Upstart families take the program seriously and some even get into graduation with caps and gowns.

Kim also told us that even though the program was born and bred in Utah, it's expanded to the point that they sent a video crew to Ohio to document graduations in Cleveland and Cincinnati.

For more information and to get the program go to