The Place


The Blacksmith Shop was one of the most important parts of Pioneer towns

Visit the Blacksmith Shop at This is the Place Heritage Park

As Pioneer Day approaches, This is the Place is a great place to visit to learn how the pioneers lived and worked when they first came to the Salt Lake Valley.

Visitors can interact with artisans and tradesmen as see them working in their shops.

Jenny checked out the Blacksmith Shop with Diamond Jim who says these artisans are working the metal the same way that blacksmiths of old used to.

He says this was one of the most important buildings in pioneer villages because this is where all the tools were made.

He explained that they warm their tools in a coke fire until it's 3000 degrees. He says, "when it's red, it's ready" to mold and form the tools.

Visitors can also buy the tools at the shop.

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