The Place


Some young adults who were in Utah state foster care are eligible for a college scholarship

The Transition to Adult Living Scholarship

The application period for the Transition to Adult Living Scholarship (TAL) is open now until April 15, 2024 for the 2024/2025 academic year.

TAL is a scholarship for 18 to 26 year-olds who were in the Utah state foster care. It's also for unaccompanied refugee minors.

Rachel Adams, TAL Scholarship Manager, says the scholarship amount can be up to $6,500 per academic year, and can be earned for multiple years by the same student if requirements are met.

The funds from the scholarship may be used for tuition, fees, books, supplies and living expenses.

The TAL Scholarship was established by former Utah Governor Olene Walker in 2008 and each participating college or university has a mentor who helps the students.

Natalie Clark received the scholarship while completing her undergraduate degree and is also a current recipient as she works on her master's degree in social work.

Natalie has also co-founded a non-profit called the 1999 Collective to help others in Utah who have been through the foster care system feel connected and supported as they transition to adulthood.

You can learn more about TAL by clicking here.