The Place


Rocky Mountain Power's Seasonal Tips calendar can help you reduce energy use and lower your bill

Wattsmart Wednesday

Save this winter: Rocky Mountain Power's Wattsmart Homes program has created a helpful Seasonal Tips calendar for customers year-round.

Spokesperson Jona Whitesides says each month you'll find solutions to help reduce your energy use and lower your bill.

He says winter tips include taking simple steps like:

  • Resist the temptation to bump up the thermostat when the outdoor temperature dips. That won't result in achieving the desired temperature faster. It will simply make the furnace run longer and use more energy.
  • Use space heaters sparingly and safely. Running a 1,500-watt portable heater 8 hours a day for 30 days can add an extra $30 to a winter month's power bill.
  • Clean or replace furnace filters often during the heating season.
  • Weatherstrip exterior doors and caulk around window frames to seal air leaks.
  • Close drapes and blinds at night to keep heat in.
  • Wash clothes with cold water.
  • Use LED light bulbs throughout your home.
  • Set your water heater to 120°F and use efficient showerheads.
  • Unplug appliances and electronics when not in use.

Rocky Mountain Power can also help you with long-term energy solutions. You can earn cash incentives when you upgrade your home's heating system or weatherize your home.
You can also upgrade your electric heat to a heat pump, add insulation to your home as well as installing a smart thermostat.

You can subscribe to the Seasonal Tips calendar by visiting and enter to win a $100 gift card by subscribing.