The Place


Inversions can't be prevented, but pollution can

Posted 8:33 PM, Feb 05, 2021
and last updated 6:17 PM, Jul 19, 2022

Inversions can't be prevented, but pollution can.

In Salt Lake and Utah Valley's Airshed, 50 percent of the pollution comes from tailpipe emissions. Switching to electric vehicles cuts emissions to zero.

But, people who are considering purchasing an electric vehicle (EV) are often concerned with where they can charge their car when they're not at home.

It's known that if businesses have the infrastructure their employees are six times more likely to buy an EV.

Leaders for Clean Air was established to improve Utah's air quality by making the installation process of Electric Vehicle charging stations painless for businesses.

They do this by administering Rocky Mountain Power's EV Charging station rebate program, along with a grant from UCAIR to make charging stations free or heavily reduced.

To talk about a charging project, go to and schedule an appointment for them to come out to your business.