The Place


Members of the Nashville Police Department will be talking about school shootings at a Utah conference

Stand4Kind School Safety Conference

Stand4Kind, a Utah based, National 501(c) (3(=) nonprofit organization is dedicated to promoting kindness, safety, and well-being within schools and communities.

They have been around since 2013, and provide programs and training for faculty, students, parents and other school staff.

They provide impactful assemblies, anti-bullying curriculum, ambassador clubs, leadership training, suicide awareness training, character building, mental wellness strategies and more.

Now, Stand4Kind is hosting its inaugural School Safety Conference in Sandy, Utah from July 29 to July 31, 2024 in Sandy, Utah.

The gathering will bring together professionals, educators, and community members nationwide to exchange best insights, best practices and strategies aimed at enhancing school safety at every level.

Jessica Harris, with Stand4Kind, says, "In today's climate, where national incidents highlight the ongoing challenge of violence, it's crucial to empower communities with the tools to nurture cultures of respect and kindness."

Notably, the Nashville Police Department will be presenting their exemplary strategies for responding to school shooting incidents, providing invaluable insights into crisis management and community safety protocols.

In addition, there will be having demonstrations done by local companies surrounding school safety.

The conference is free and if you are a school administrator or member of law enforcement and would like more information or to register, please go to