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It's always a good idea to give your marriage a little "love booster shot" from time to time

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It's always a good idea to give your marriage a little "love booster shot" from time to time.

We talked with Certified Relationship Coach Val Baldwin about a very simple strategy that research has proved makes a huge difference for couples to have a happier marriage: Say Thank You more often.

And whenever your partner does something nice for you, tell them you noticed and appreciate it. In other words: Raise your game when it comes to expressing GRATITUDE.

The Reason Why This Works: The more you show gratitude in your marriage, the happier and more valued your partner will feel. And even if you and your partner argue regularly, your gratitude may be the one factor that SAVES your relationship! Showing gratitude is that powerful.

What Research Discovered: One of the top reasons couples break up is they get into what's called a "negative conflict pattern" - where one partner makes a demand, and the other gets defensive or withdraws in some way...say, by silently holding on to resentment.

But when partners feel valued by each other, they're significantly more likely to stay committed to the relationship, even if they argue regularly. Because gratitude counteracts the effects of negative communication. This research also found that feeling appreciated directly influences how you feel about your marriage, how committed you are to it, and your belief that it will last.

Take Action: This takes practice and patience with each other to start doing this regularly. Try to be more aware about noticing when your partner does something nice for you. Expressing your gratitude will soon become an easy habit.

Most people find once they start expressing gratitude to their partner, they start doing it with others in their life too. The result will be happier, healthier relationships in all areas of your life. That's the power of saying Thank You.

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