The Place


Is your car ready for the winter driving conditions ahead?

Is your car ready for winter driving?

If your car's transmission isn't working properly, there are some warning signs.

If it's still noisy when you're in neutral, if it's making a 'clunking' sound, if it's leaking fluids, if there's a light on, if the gears are grinding, or if you smell smoke.. you need to get to AAMCO.

Right now they're offering 50 percent off transmission safeguard service and $250 off a transmission rebuild.

Jenny went to AAMCO in Sandy and talked with Todd Ashcroft who says transmission problems can quickly spiral into expensive repairs.

The best way to avoid that is to stay on top of maintenance and have your vehicle regularly inspected by a qualified technician about every 60,000 miles.

A trained technician can spot potential problems early on and prevent them.

Right now AAMCO is offering 50 percent off transmission safeguard service and $250 off a transmission rebuild.

If you’re having trouble with your transmission, or are experiencing any of the warning signs listed above, don’t hesitate to take your vehicle to an AAMCO Center near you!

For more information visit