The Place


If you give a child a book... you'll give them a better chance

Today is National Read a Book Day!

Today, Wednesday, September 6, 2023, is National Read a Book Day! It highlights the importance of reading when it comes to learning.

According to the Children's Reading Foundation, students who aren't reading on grade level by the end of third grade struggle in class later on, and up to 85 percent of material requires reading.

At FOX 13, we believe giving children books can take them new places, plant the seeds for future success and help break the cycle of poverty.

Children who lack access to a variety of books spend far less time reading, resulting in lower reading proficiency and struggle to complete high school. Unfortunately, many children in low-income neighborhoods lack access to the books they need to become competent readers.

Our annual “If You Give a Child a Book …” campaign, in partnership with the Scripps Howard Fund, puts books in the hands of these children.

Each year, FOX 13 and the Scripps Howard Fund partner with local schools to reach underserved children living in poverty, with a special focus on the critical kindergarten through third grade years when children are still learning to read.

For this age group, there is no replacement for beloved books that a child can return to over and over. Yet, just as the formal learning process begins in school, many childhood literacy programs focused on kindergarten readiness end, leaving children with few resources to reinforce reading outside the classroom.

If you'd like to help, join our Book Blitz. All day on Wednesday, September 6, FOX 13 and the Scripps Howard Fund are matching donations. Donations are tax deductible and 100 percent of all donated funds will stay right here in Utah.

To donate, you can call 385-282-7350, text FOX13READS to 50155, donate at any Cyprus Credit Union branch or donate online at