The Place


How you could earn rewards for hiking some of Utah's most beautiful mountains

Wasatch Summit Badge Challenge

In 2023, Timpanogos brought back a beloved old tradition: awarding people Timp Badges for summiting to the top of Mount Timpanogos.

It was the first time badges were handed out in over fifty years and became a huge hit!

In 2024, the tradition was expanded to ten peaks, kicking off the inaugural Wasatch Summit Badge Challenge through Timpanogos Hiking Co.

Joe Vogel, founder of Timpanogos Hiking Co., joined us in studio to tell us more about the badges that have been given out to thousands of hikers from all over the country and the world!

He says, "Our slogan is well-known among our followers: escape the noise. In an increasingly stressful, screen-saturated world, we believe hiking does wonders for the body, mind, and soul and is needed now more than ever. Championing mental health is central to everything we do. Let's talk about it!"

Vogel took a leap of faith in creating his company in 2022. He left his life as a tenured professor in Massachusetts to launch the outdoor apparel company focused on mental health and community in the state of Utah.

He started Timpanogos Hiking Co. in a basement with no previous business experience and no financial backing.

He says he was inspired, in part, by the movie "Field of Dreams". Now Vogel says his company has generated nearly a half a million dollars in revenue in its first two years in business.

Vogel says, "Our official mascot and spirit animal is the mountain goat. Some assume this is a claim to greatness, but in fact it was inspired by the mountain goats up near the top of Mount Timpanogos."

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