The Place


Here are some fun activities for kids when it's too hot (or too cold) outside

Fun activities from Utah Family Faves

When it's too hot (or too cold) for little kids to play outside, it may be a struggle to keep them entertained indoors.

But, McKell Moeller from Utah Family Faves has some ideas. She's a mom of five to kids ranging from five to 14.

She joined us with a couple of activities using items from around the house.

First, she showed us how to do a Lego Balloon Car race. Just use any car with good wheels on it, she recommends Legos because they're light weight.

Then, you simply attach the balloon, and blow it up. When you let it go, the cars will take off.

McKell also showed us a Floating Letter and Shapes Experiment. Just use a plain white plate and write letters or shapes on it with a dry erase marker.

Then, pour a little water on the plate and watch the letters float. You can push them around using a straw, or put a piece of paper over the letters and they will transfer to the paper.

You can learn more from McKell on her Instagram @Utahfamilyfaves.