The Place


Here are four things to check on your mower to help your lawn look better

Lawn Mower Check-List

The sun is shining and the grass is growing, have you pulled out your mower yet?

Carter Crismon from Al's The Chainsaw King joined us with tips to get you going.

He says this time of year look at four things:

Oil, twist out the dipstick and make sure there's oil.
Air filter, make sure it's there and clean
Spark plug, untwist it and make sure it's clean
Tip the mower, muffler down, and check blades to make sure they're sharp enough

You can sharpen your own blades with a grinder. Make sure it's a straight edge. Or you can bring it to Al's The Chainsaw King. They'll take care of it for you. A sharp blade will make your lawn look nice, and will pick up the leaves too.

Then remember when the snow falls check those things again. And then put gas with a stabilizer in it to make it last throughout the winter.

Of course you can always let the pros handle it, visit them at 853 E Arrowhead Lane in Murray or visit their website