The Place


Here are FIVE simple steps to bring order to any of your closets

"The Wright Way to Organize"

Now that kids are away for hours and hours, you can tackle lengthier home organization projects like cleaning the closets!

Holli Tharp, from "The Wright Way to Organize" joined us how you can bring order to any of your closets.

She says start with your oldest child and move down to the younger kids. That way you can sort through what can be passed down and what can be donated or thrown away.

Then follow these five steps:

1. Take all your clothes out of your closet! Lay them out where you can make categories.

2. Make decisions as you go through each clothing item.

  • You love it? It stays!
  • Haven't worn it? Figure out why.
  • Needs to be mended?
  • Don't like it?
  • Doesn't fit right now?
  • Unsure about it? Wear it once and see.
  • Let go of the ones you don't love anymore.

3. Donate!
4. Organize your clothing by style and color (shirts, jackets, pants). And if you want to get crazy, organize it by outfit groupings.

5. Make a list of what you need to get through the next season.

Holli says you can do this for every member of your household, or you can hire her to help you!

She works not only with closets, but in over-stuffed garages, storage rooms and more.

Contact her at