The Place


Here are a few hacks to incorporate fall foods into your menu routines

Fall Foods are Superstars

No season screams comfort food louder than fall, and the good news is that our favorite fall craves are super healthy as well.

Trish Brimhall, RDN, CD, CLE, joined us with some hacks to incorporate fall superstars into your menu routine.

Pumpkin – For an extra dose of beta carotene, potassium, and prebiotic fiber, add some canned pumpkin into your tomato soup for your grilled cheese sandwich dipping. Try adding in some pumpkin puree into your favorite pasta sauce to add body and deliciously thick texture that will hug any pasta shape. Craving a butternut squash soup but don't have time to bake and puree your squash? Swap with pumpkin puree and suddenly soup night got that much easier.

Kale – After a good rinsing and chop, kale can still be a bit tough. Work out some of the stress of your day by giving that kale a massage before you toss it with a divinely delicious maple vinaigrette, and it will soften up nicely. Also, consider tossing some chopped kale into your favorite canned soup or ramen to up the nutrition of your "last-minute-dinner" menu. Don't forget that kale is a great source of nitrates so consider adding some into your pre-workout smoothie.

Brussels Sprouts – If you have some Brussels sprout haters in your home, try shredding them and tossing them in salad or with other roasted veggies. You can also try mixing them into coleslaw – no one will be the wiser.

Apples – just do it. Take it to work. Set an apple out by your keys the night before so that you remember to grab it on your way out the door. Chances are that when that drowsy-snack-attack hits, your apple will be calling to you from where you've been staring at it on your desk. There are so many varieties out there that you'll be busy taste-testing your way through your work week.

Cranberries – love the health benefits but can't stand the extra-sour zing from cranberries? There are other options besides sugar-laden dried cranberries. Try tossing some cranberries into your favorite smoothie or chop them up and add them into your fresh salsa recipe.

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