Guys! If you're struggling in the bedroom, your partner is too.
Erectile Dysfunction can ruin a relationship, but there's an easy, permanent fix that doesn't require surgery, injections or even the pill and its side effects.
Andrew Rinehart, a Medical Technician at Wasatch Medical Clinic, says they use Acoustic Wave Therapy, which is clinically proven to treat the root cause of the problem which is blood flow.
The actual treatment is much like an ultrasound, the instrument delivers pressure waves that you won't even feel. It's only about 10 minutes a treatment, and you might need a few treatments over a couple of weeks before you get back to normal function in the bedroom.
Right now there's a special offer for you: get a an assessment, exam and blood flow ultrasound for free. Wasatch Medical will also throw in a gift that produces instant results in the bedroom and testosterone for new patients too.
Call 801-901-8000 to take advantage of this special offer and visit for more information.