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Prestige Men's Health
Posted 7:43 PM, Oct 26, 2023

If you suffer from erectile dysfunction (E.D.) Prestige Men's Health can help.

It's a condition that will not fix itself.

"E.D. is a progressive disease and left untreated will continue to get worse over time," said Jason Silva, Patient Care Coordinator, from Prestige Men’s Health.

He joined Morgan Saxton on set of 'The PLACE' to explain E.D. and how many men are actually struggling with symptoms.

He says more than 50% of men over 50 years old have had some issues with E.D. in their life.

Like many medical advances the world is seeing today, Silva says there is a new highly effective treatment that has come out for treating E.D.

The treatment is known as Acoustic Wave Therapy backed by dozens of scientific studies.

Say goodbye to pills and surgery.

Call 801-406-NOED or go online at to schedule a free men's health consultation regarding E.D.

"We will go over the patient's medical history, perform a blood flow analysis using ultrasound technology," Silva said. "This helps us educate the patient and show them why they are struggling with these symptoms and provide them with the information they need to rectify the situation."

This appointment normally costs $500, but call today to book your consultation for free!