The Place


Game Night: Valentine's Day Style

Valentine's Games

Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza Valentine's Edition
This is the classic Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza game, but with a Valentine's Day twist. There are pink tacos and goats with roses and heart shaped pizzas. There are also special action cards where you give yourself a bear hug or draw back Cupid's bow. Then it's a race to slap the pile and not be the last one.

Cover Your Cookies
Cover Your Assets is a Utah favorite game from Grandpa Beck's Games. This is a sweet twist where you steal cookies instead. The best is a big heart-shaped cookie, perfect for Valentine's Day. The wild cards are milk and chocolate milk. This game is a sweeter version of the original (but have cookies handy while you're playing).

Bang Out Of Order
Take turns putting random number facts in order on a timeline according to your best guess. Which is more: the number of feathers on a chicken or the distance of the Golden Gate Bridge in feet? Keep placing the cards without knowing the actual answers until someone finally says "Bang Out of Order". Flip the cards over to see if they are out of order. It's a funny game that two people can easily play.

So Clover
Can you and your Valentine think like each other? You get random pairs of words paired up on your green plastic clover and come up with a keyword that will connect the pair of words. But when you take all the word cards off, can the other person figure out which clue goes with which pair of words. Although the game says it's for 3 players or more, my valentine and I play this on our own all the time.

Feelin' Cute
This is a brand new game that just got released this month. It's a cute game that caters more to a family game. Can you rank the 'cuteness' of different animals and guess correctly on how cute others think they are. Even the youngest can rank the cuteness of a panda versus a red fox.

You can see Darin play all of these games on Instagram.