The Place


Dress in your favorite 80's attire and "Bowl for Kids' Sake"

Healthier Together: Bowling Back to the 80's

Grab your favorite 80's attire and have a "gnarly" time BOWLING FOR KIDS' SAKE!

The annual bowling fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters Utah (BBBSU) is coming up this spring and now is the time to get ready.

All you need to do is assemble a team of five — it can be your family, friends or co-workers and register your team here.

Then, share your team's webpage on social media, by text and email to raise at least $100 per bowler or $500 per team. The goal is to raise $91,500!

Then, have a tubular time bowling, eating pizza, and drinking soda!

Spots are still available!

Event dates:
March 22 at Delton Lanes in WVC
April 12 at Delton Lanes in Riverton – two sessions
April 26 at Delton Lanes in WVC – two sessions
April 30 at Holiday Lanes in Park City
May 3 at Holiday Lanes in Park City

For more information please visit:

BBBSU helps youth achieve their full potential. Each child pairs with an adult mentor which has life-changing impacts.

Jill Sundstrom, CEO of BBBSU, says 100 percent of kids enrolled graduated from high school and 90 percent of the youth showed improved emotional regulation.

BBBSU fits perfectly with the mission of Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah, to give back and serve in the community.

IT Operations Director at Regence, Levi Smith, has served on the board for more than 8 years and says he's personally seen the impact that mentoring can have on the littles.