The Place


Dating this Fall? A style reboot will get you better results than you had last year

Dating in the Fall

Are you dating this fall? Dating coach Kristin Sokol says a style reboot may get you better results than you had last year.

She explained that when you're not in love with your wardrobe, hair or makeup, you may cut little corners in an attempt to be "invisible".

And, if you're not being seen, love will pass you by as others around you do the work of attraction.

Kristin says, "If you want to attract love, you must let yourself be seen."

So how do you know if you need to "up" your style game? Kristin says ask yourself these questions:

  • How do you feel about the way you look on most mundane Tuesdays?
  • How do you feel about your clothing?
  • How do you feel about your hair?
  • How do you fell about your complexion?

Krisin says aim for the "Goldilocks" fit, it's got to be just right. She suggests to take inventory of what you have and find out what you need.
Go to a nicer store than you usually shop at, and ask the employees for an opinion.

Ask your stylish friends for opinions or even hire a style coach, Kristin suggests "The Stylist Next Door".

You can get more advice from Kristin on her website, and be sure to follow her on Facebook.