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Back to School Mom Hacks


For back-to-school success, planning is key!

Utah mom and Lifestyle Expert, Trisha Adams, shared her daily tips you can implement to make sure mornings go smoothly, homework is done, and each week goes well.

  1. Plan the week together as a family every Sunday. Trisha likes to pull out the family calendar and make sure all activities for the week are on it and everyone’s schedule align.
  2. Do as much as you can the night before! Each day when Trisha's kids get home from school they bring their lunch bags into the kitchen straight away and make their lunches for the next day!
  3. Then start on homework - Help them to get it done before other evening plans get in the way. Parents is also great to know your child's online school systems so you can help keep them on task (especially the younger kids) or remind them if they need to get working on specific assignments! 
  4. Before bed, check the weather and have your kids lay out the outfit they want to wear. If your kids are younger, pick out two or three outfits and let them choose which one they want to wear.
  5. Have kids shower the before bed. It not only saves time in the morning, but helps to relax and calm them before bed which means a better nights sleep.
  6. Turn in cell phones before bed! It's not easy but turning in their cell phones forces them to go to bed sooner and get a better night sleep.
  7. Be present when you’re with your kids!
  8. Moms know your limit! Participate as much as you can but know your limit, Trisha and all moms know raising kids (especially teens) is not for the faint of heart. You are already super woman!

For more mom hacks and all things lifestyle follow Trisha on Instagram @trisha.adams