The Place


Author offers ways to make 2024 remarkable in new book

Internationally renowned Feng Shui master Marie Diamond

What would you like to attract this year? Abundance? A new career? Health? A new love? 

The Law of Attraction suggests, as a form of energy, our thoughts attract a corresponding experience.

Dame Marie Diamond is one of the world’s top transformational leaders, a best-selling author, and expert teacher on the Law of Attraction and Feng Shui. She is an Energy Master and was featured in the worldwide phenomenon The Secret.

According to the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui, the attributes, spatial arrangement, and orientation of our physical surroundings directs the flow of our personal energy, or chi.  

"Clearing the energy in your home or workspace to release the events of 2023 and start the new year with a clean, fresh slate," Marie explained.

Marie joined Morgan Saxton with tips for goal-setting and manifestation using the idea of Feng Shui.

In the interview she discusses how to put together your most powerful vision board. *Special tip: where you place it is as important as what you put on it.

Sign up for a free masterclass or start your diamond energy journey on her website.