The Place


As we look forward to Pioneer Day, here are safety reminders

Summer Safety

As we're all excited for Pioneer Day weekend, there are some safety reminders to keep in mind.

Jen Wagenaar, Chief Nursing Executive for MountainStar Healthcare joined us with more.

It's been hot this July, and that's going to continue through the holiday.

Jen says there's a spectrum of heat-related illness. Heat Stroke is the most serious and it can be deadly, so get help fast!

Heat Stroke is the result of prolonged heat exposure or physical exertion. A heat stroke is characterized when the body's core temperature
reaches 103/104 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, occurring when your body is unable to control its internal temperature. Symptoms include little or no sweating, dizziness, confusion, seizures, fast breathing, fast heartbeat, loss of consciousness, severe headache, flushed and hot, dry skin.

Heat Exhaustion is a serious condition caused by exposure to high temperatures, humidity and strenuous physical activity. It occurs when the body loses excess amounts of water and salt, typically from sweating. Symptoms include thirst, sweating, weakness and extreme tiredness, muscle cramps, nausea and vomiting, headache ad cool, pale and clammy skin.

Jen says you can avoid these heat-related illnesses by staying hydrated with water or sports drinks when you're outdoors. Do not drink alcohol or caffeinated beverages since they both dehydrate you. Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink either.

Here are some more important tips:
• Exercise early in the day, before it gets too hot or after sunset.
• Take breaks when you exercise.
• Avoid being outdoors as much as possible on days you know will be extremely hot. Avoid peak sunlight hours (10 a.m. – 4 p.m.).
• Seek out the shade.
• Wear loose, lightweight, light-colored clothes.
• Wear Sunscreen. Sunburn affects the body's ability to cool down and can make you dehydrated. If you must go outdoors, protect yourself from the sun by wearing a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and by regularly reapplying sunscreen (usually that's every two hours).

We also talked to Jen about firework safety. While they're beautiful in the night's sky, don't let your guard down. They can cause serious injury and in some cases, can even be deadly.

Make sure you know what is legal in your area, and you may just want to leave fireworks up to the pros this year.

But, if you do choose to set them off, read and follow all warnings and instructions. Never allow children to play or ignite fireworks. Make sure everyone's out of the way before lighting them. Keep a bucket of water handy in case of a fire. For more safety tips click here.

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