The Place


A Utah boy has a dream to visit all 50 states

Little Boy's Bucket List

Wyatt Drysdale was diagnosed with brain cancer three years ago.

After multiple surgeries, radiation and chemotherapy, which took a year and a half, he rang the chemo bell at Intermountain Primary Children's hospital.

One year later, the cancer came back in his spine, and he was told he would need to have surgery and do more chemotherapy.

Wyatt has a dream to see all 50 states, he loves America, traveling, and roller coasters. When the cancer came back, his family felt a great desire to hurry and make his dream come true.

In order for a state to "count" , Wyatt has decided he needs to either do a fun activity in each state, eat a good meal there, or sleep there. He has a scratch off map that he is working on, and he is getting close to reaching his goal with only 15 states left.

His family has tried to fulfill his dreams in the most frugal ways possible, and couldn't do what they are doing without the help of their community, friends and family.

If you'd like to help, click here to get to the GofundMe page to donate and follow his journey at @wyattourwarrior.

Wyatt is currently getting chemotherapy every other week at Intermountain Primary Children's Hospital. The staff that work in Oncology are always excited to come see Wyatt to hear about the grand adventures he is having. He is known as the cancer kid who is traveling America!!

His family is enjoying every moment that they are blessed to have with him. Every day is truly a gift, and they are celebrating each day in a very exciting, fun way.