Entering it's 3rd season on Prime is the sword and sorcery series "The Wheel of Time".
A mysterious sorceress, along with her loyal bodyguard, takes five young people on a dangerous and world-spanning journey, believing that one of them might be the reincarnation of an ancient and extremely powerful figure prophesied to either save the world or destroy it. Film Critic Tony Toscano says, "Based on the series of books, The Wheel of Time, in season 1, was off to a very slow star. However as season 3 begins the series has picked up and offers more action and better storytelling." He gives it a B and it's rated TV-14.
Streaming on most video on demand platforms is the action / crime film "High Rollers".
After leaving his profession, a criminal mastermind must come out of retirement to save the love of his life. Tony says, "High Rollers is an unintentionally funny and utterly ridiculous heist move." He gives it a D and it's rated R.
Streaming on Apple TV+ is the crime series "Dope Thief". The series follows long-time friends and delinquents who pose as DEA agents to rob a house in the countryside, but end up unintentionally revealing and unraveling the biggest hidden narcotics corridor on the Eastern seaboard. Tony says, "Although Dope Thief is a high action series, it needs a little time to find its legs. The acting is solid and the direction is good, but the series' pacing is uneven." He gives it a B and it's not rated.
You can find more from Tony at screenchatter.com.