The Place


A new mural in St. George is meant to help parents stay connected to their kids

Posted 9:14 PM, Nov 19, 2021

Encircle Utah's goal is to keep families united. A strong, supportive relationship between parents and their LGBTQ+ child is crucial because those kids often feel outside of their communities, schools and places where they live.

That feeling of loneliness can negatively affect their ability to thrive.

It also increases the likelihood that a kid will turn to underage drinking.

Encircle is joining forces with Parents Empowered to get the message out that parents are the number one reason kids choose not to drink.

All kids need their parents' help to stay alcohol-free. Underage drinking can change how brains develop, impairing memory, learning and good judgment.

In addition, underage drinking can be associated with poor academic performance, violence, depression, suicide and many other mental illnesses and behavioral problems.

Kids and their parents are invited to an unveiling of a new mural in St. George this Saturday, November 20.

Encircle has partnered with several groups - from the city of St. George to the school district to their suicide prevention coalition - to place an interactive mural with a tandem bike in one of the city's most popular parks, Town Hall Square.

The message is "Whatever your child's journey, go together".

As part of the mural unveiling, parents will have the chance to participate in a slow roll bike event around the park - reinforcing the importance of parents spending time with their kids to help strengthen relationships and promote kids' health and well-being. has lots of tips and resources parents can use to start these ongoing conversations.

Parents can also visit for more information about their LGBTQ+ resources for kids and families.