In theaters this Friday is the animated feature "The Canterville Ghost," based on the short story by Oscar Wilde. The ghost of Sir Simon Canterville has been roaming his castle for centuries searching in vain for a brave descendant who will release him from his curse. Can the daughter of the American family that just moved in help him? Tony says, "If you have youngsters and want to take them out to kid-friendly, fun ghost story, this one will do nicely. The characters are charming and the animation is bright and colorful with a warm and witty script." He gives it a B and it's rated PG.
Streaming on Apple TV+ is the comedy drama series "Lessons in Chemistry," starring Brie Larson. Based on the book by Elizabeth Zott, in the 1950s, after a woman's dream of being a scientist is dashed, she accepts a job on a TV cooking show and sets out to teach a nation of overlooked housewives way more than just recipes. Tony says, "Lessons in Chemistry is a must-watch series due to it's insightful writing, compelling characters and acting." He gives it a B and it's rated TV-MA.
Funko Pop is the manufacturer of the world's most collectable action figures. And now they're making it possible for you to "pop" yourself. You can design yourself or your favorite people as mini figures for a one of a kind gift! You can choose your own style, accessories, body and clothes when you pop yourself at Funko. Again, just log on to Funko Pop's website and choose "Pop Yourself".
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