The Place


3 Tips to help you balance work and home life (especially if you're working from home)

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As a multi-six figure per year business owner, who has worked from home successfully for the past three years, while working only 20 hours a week, Janelle Lara says she's perfected the system of juggling it all while not sacrificing her job, her marriage, her kids or herself!

Janelle is now a business consultant for women who want to work online, from home. She helps women who have a skill and teaches them how to turn it into a business.

She joined us with three tips that can help you work at home.

  1. Schedule lunch breaks. Janelle says after she decompresses, she comes back more productive, rested and nourished.
  2. Set online boundaries. Janelle says you have to completely disconnect from work. Every Sunday she literally deletes her work apps from her phone, including social media, so she can be present in the moment with her family.
  3. Decompress after work is done. Janelle says you need to make a clear distinction between home life and work life. She suggests to take 10 seconds, take deep breaths and really disconnect.

You can find more advice from Janelle on her website: