The Place


2023 is a record-breaking Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point

Thanksgiving Point Tulip Festival

2023 is a record-breaking Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point.

Blooming bulbs from Thanksgiving Point's successful Guinness World Record break in October are being featured.

More than 100 volunteers and Thanksgiving Point team members planted 41,089 bulbs in one hour which earned them the title "Most Bulbs Planted in an Hour by a Team".

The Festival is located in the 50-acre Ashton Gardens in Lehi and it's extended until May 20, 2023. It's open Monday-Saturday, 9am to 8pm.

There are more than 750,000 spring flowers planted every year - 250,000 of those are imported tulips from the Netherlands.

There are 100 varieties on display right now including the Thanksgiving Point Tulip which is a yellow, lily flowering and fragrant tulip registered to Thanksgiving Point in honor of their 25th anniversary.

In addition to seeing the beautiful flowers, there are dozens of other fun activities including tours, classes, Tulip Tot Playland, concessions, and food trucks.

You can learn more and get tickets at