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Salt Lake seniors receive special gifts of love ahead of Valentine's Day


SALT LAKE CITY — Utahns are lifting one another up by spreading the love ahead of Valentine's Day.

“The greatest thing in this world is love,” explained Richard Meidlinger.

There's no doubt that Meidlinger is a man who loves love.

“That word love means a lot,” he said.

This week, "Senior Helpers of Salt Lake" helped spread the love by embarking on a Valentine's card campaign.

“Wanted to make sure that our seniors were loved, honored, and remembered this week for Valentine's Day," said Brett Bringhurst, CEO and owner of Senior Helpers.

So who better to receive the cards than the man with the biggest heart and his true love.

“Senior Helper people have brought us over some beautiful valentines prepared by them and by young children,” Meidlinger said.

Utah sisters below share love, positivity one paper heart at a time:

Utah sisters share love, positivity one paper heart at a time

Students at Parkside, Grant and Woodstock elementary schools were gracious enough to create the cards that were later handed out to seniors.

“My husband is amazing," explained Meidlinger's wife, Patricia Wade. "We get up and we have a happy day,"

Together, Richard and Patricia enjoyed the special delivery.

"Not just us but everybody needs to show their love and appreciation toward one another,” shared Patricia.

The heartfelt gesture of the cards takes Patricia back to the days when she was a teacher.

“My little kids, when I was teaching school, it was thrilling to get a Valentine,” she said. 

And it's not just the cards as the couple appreciates everything "Senior Helpers" does for them.

“It’s hard to get around and to be able to do the things that you want to do. It’s nice to depend on others to help you,” Meidlinger said.

On this soon-to-be day full of love, Richard and Patricia have advice for everyone... young and old.

“Love one another," Richard shared. "Love is the greatest thing in the world. It brings out the best in all of us.”