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Park City teen builds haunted house for a good cause


PARK CITY, Utah — There is no holiday quite like Halloween.

As far as one Park City teen is concerned, it’s the best day of the year.

“I have always loved scary things,” said 14-year-old Elliot Caulder. “I don't remember how many years ago, it was a while ago, my dad took me to a Halloween store and I totally loved it even though I was terrified of everything. I have loved it ever since.”

Over the years, Elliot has collected every ghost, goblin and ghoul he comes across in stores.

Now, he is sharing his passion for the holiday.

In January, Elliot started designing a haunted house.

Since then, he has been building wooden structures, constructing decorations and putting together the most spine-chilling space on the block.

“It's fun to see where you started from and where you ended at,” Elliot said.

The haunted house will be open on Halloween night. Everyone is invited to take the terrifying walk through the maze -- if they can muster the courage.

“You go into the next hallway, there is a bedroom type thing. There is a little girl whose head pops up,” he described.

The haunted house is sure to cause some screams, but Elliot’s reason for putting this together isn’t scary at all.

While he is passionate about sharing his enthusiasm for the holiday, he is also supporting a good cause.

“It's free but if you want to, we have donations for ‘Spirit of Children,’ which makes hospitals less scary for kids,” he said.

Those donations will help bring Halloween to kids in the hospital -- meaning every scare and fright is for a good cause.

“I feel like it's good to help people who need the help most,” Elliot said. “To have fun doing it by creating haunted houses, it's a good way to do that.”

More information about Elliot’s haunted house can be found here.