NewsPositively Utah


Canyons School District bus driver shows skills in national competition


SANDY, Utah — Bus drivers get our kids to school in one piece and have to navigate a really big vehicle around town to do it, and Utah is home to one of the best bus drivers in the country.

Jeremy Klung with the Canyons School District has been transporting students for more than a decade. Recently, he decided to put his skills to the test in the state safety and skill competition.

“I went in it wanting to have a good time,” Jemery said. “Winning was a bonus.”

The state win got Jeremy invited to The National School Transportation Association’s 50th School Bus Driver International Safety Competition in Austin, Texas.

Last week, Jeremy walked away with the third place trophy in the competition known as the “Road-EO,” which showcases expertise in maneuvering a 40-foot bus through tight spaces, avoiding obstacles, and parking in the most difficult situations.

“If anyone… knows me. They'll know that I'm notorious for being in the bathroom inopportune times,” Jeremy said explaining the moment he nearly missed his award ceremony. “When they said my name as the winner, everyone clapped and applauded, and they started looking around, and he said my name again. Then my mom goes, he's in the bathroom, everyone. Yeah, everyone from canyons just busted out laughing.”

Jeremy enjoys showing off his national and local plaques, but says while he plans to be driving students for years to come, and may leave the skill challenges to someone else next year.

“So, even though sitting under a tent in Texas for four hours, waiting for my turn to go was brutal, and I would not want to do that again. It was fun. I had a good time.”