

Utah Supreme Court hears appeal over Amendment D

Utah Supreme Court
Amendment D hearing
and last updated

SALT LAKE CITY — With just weeks to go before Election Day, the Utah Supreme Court is hearing arguments on the controversial Amendment D that was voided from ballots by a lower court earlier this month.

Watch LIVE below as Utah Supreme Court hears Amendment D appeal:

The Utah State Legislature filed an appeal over the ruling, claiming the rights of the public to vote on the amendment are being denied.


Legislature appeals Amendment D ruling to Utah Supreme Court

Ben Winslow

On Sept. 12, Third District Court Judge Dianna Gibson voided Amendment D after groups argued it was misleading.

Voter rights groups claimed the amendment silenced the voice of the Utah citizens who vote on issues via initiatives and referendums.

While the amendment does block foreign spending in a citizen initiative campaign and extend the time for supporters to gather signatures to put it on the ballot, the plaintiffs argued before Gibson that it glossed over the fact it would undo the Utah Supreme Court's original ruling that found lawmakers overstepped their powers when they override a citizen initiative that "alters or reforms government."

In her ruling, Gibson ordered the ballots to be printed with Amendment D on them, but any votes cast on it would simply not be counted.